Comfort Plus suits

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  1. Comfort Plus

    Jukon Dark Blue Micro Pattern Suit

    As low as €732.90
  2. Comfort Plus

    Vancouver Beige Suit

    As low as €732.90
  3. Comfort Plus

    Tucson Dark Blue Suit

    As low as €732.90
  4. Comfort Plus

    Arkansas Grey Checked Suit

    As low as €732.90
  5. Comfort Plus

    Acapulco Navy Blue Suit

    As low as €732.90
  6. Comfort Plus

    Tabasco Maroon Suit

    As low as €732.90
  7. Comfort Plus

    Hermosillo Grey Checked Suit

    As low as €732.90
  8. Comfort Plus

    Montreal Navy Blue Prince of Wales Check Suit

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-47% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-47%
  9. Comfort Plus

    Burgundy Rosewood Suit

    As low as €732.90
  10. Comfort Plus

    Nepal Navy Blue Suit

    As low as €732.90
  11. Comfort Plus

    Dubai Claret Checked Suit

    As low as €488.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €488.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €732.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €732.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €732.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €732.90 /-33%
  12. Comfort Plus

    Singapore Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €610.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €610.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €732.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €732.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €732.90 /-17% Price immediately before discounts: €732.90 /-17%
  13. Comfort Plus

    Greenberg Green Suit

    As low as €732.90
  14. Comfort Plus

    Durban Blue Suit

    As low as €415.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €415.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €732.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-15% Price immediately before discounts: €732.90 /-43%
  15. Comfort Plus

    Lagos 3 Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €415.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €415.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €732.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-15% Price immediately before discounts: €732.90 /-43%
  16. Comfort Plus

    Warwic 2 Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €610.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €610.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €732.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 Price immediately before discounts: €732.90
  17. Comfort Plus

    Osaka 3 Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €732.90
  18. Comfort Plus

    Marrakesh 2 Grey Checked Suit

    As low as €732.90
  19. Comfort Plus

    Darwin 2 Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  20. Comfort Plus

    Rubio 2 Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-50% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  21. Comfort Plus

    Flamengo Navy Blue Checked Suit

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-50% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  22. Comfort Plus

    Cadix Gray Checked Suit

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  23. Comfort Plus

    Lugano Green Suit

    As low as €732.90
  24. Comfort Plus

    Maldon Gray Checked Suit

    As low as €488.90
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Stylist recommends

Stylista rekomenduje

Komfortowe garnitury męskie to podstawa garderoby każdego pana. Niezależnie czy wkłada je na co dzień do pracy, czy raczej pokazuje się w nich tylko od święta. Na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze garnituru?

1. Wybierz odpowiedni rozmiar

Garnitur powinien dobrze leżeć na ciele. Wybierz model o odpowiednim rozmiarze, który pasuje do Twojej sylwetki. Możesz poprosić sprzedawcÄ™ o pomoc w doborze odpowiedniego rozmiaru w sklepie stacjonarnym lub skorzystać z tabeli wymiarów, kiedy zamawiasz ubranie online. Skup siÄ™ szczególnie na dÅ‚ugoÅ›ci nogawek oraz rÄ™kawów. 

2. Zwróć uwagę na tkaninę

Dobry garnitur powinien być wykonany z wysokiej jakości tkaniny. Sprawdź ich rodzaj, pochodzenie oraz gramaturę. Lekkie i przewiewne materiały, takie jak wiskoza, bawełna czy delikatna wełna sprawdzą się lepiej w ciepłe dni, natomiast grubsze wełny są bardziej odpowiednie na zimę.

3. Wybierz kolor odpowiedni do okazji

Ciemniejsze kolory, takie jak granatowy lub czarny sprawdzą się w sytuacjach biznesowych, lub wieczorowych. Natomiast jasne kolory, takie jak beżowy lub szary, są bardziej odpowiednie na mniej formalne okazje.

4. Dopasuj styl do swojego charakteru

Wybierz styl garnituru, który odpowiada Twojemu charakterowi i stylowi życia. Jeżeli nosisz garnitury na co dzieÅ„, sprawdź kolekcjÄ™ kompletów casualowych czy sportowych. 

5. Dopasuj dodatki

Dopełnij swój look, dobierając odpowiednie dodatki, takie jak krawat, koszula czy buty. Wybierz akcesoria, które pasują do koloru i stylu garnituru oraz do okazji, na którą się wybierasz.

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