Men's Clothing Collection Lancerto Comfort Plus

Comfort Plus Line
Comfort Plus Line
Items: 180

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  1. Comfort Plus

    Savona Maroon Blazer in Navy Blue Check

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €293.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €293.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €293.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €293.90 /-33%
  2. Comfort Plus

    Merida Blue Checked Waistcoat

    As low as €97.90
  3. Comfort Plus

    Jukon Dark Blue Micro Pattern Suit

    As low as €732.90
  4. Comfort Plus

    Vancouver Beige Suit

    As low as €732.90
  5. Comfort Plus

    Tucson Dark Blue Suit

    As low as €732.90
  6. Comfort Plus

    Austin Grey Checked Waistcoat

    As low as €97.90
  7. Comfort Plus

    Arkansas Grey Checked Suit

    As low as €732.90
  8. Comfort Plus

    Acapulco Navy Blue Suit

    As low as €732.90
  9. Comfort Plus

    Tabasco Maroon Suit

    As low as €732.90
  10. Comfort Plus

    Hermosillo Grey Checked Suit

    As low as €732.90
  11. Comfort Plus

    Calgary Grey Checked Waistcoat

    As low as €97.90
  12. Comfort Plus

    Sintra Green Blazer

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €293.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €293.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €293.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €293.90 /-33%
  13. Comfort Plus

    Geneva Light Grey Checked Blazer

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €292.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €292.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-33%
  14. Comfort Plus

    Manresa Checked Blazer

    As low as €170.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €170.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €195.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €195.90 /-13% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-42%
  15. Comfort Plus

    Cosenza Grey Checked Blazer

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €292.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €292.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-33%
  16. Comfort Plus

    Scalea Maroon Checked Blazer

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €292.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €292.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-33%
  17. Comfort Plus

    Jersey Blue Checked Blazer

    As low as €170.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €170.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €195.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €195.90 /-13% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-42%
  18. Comfort Plus

    Talaveria Blue Checked Blazer

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €292.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €292.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-33%
  19. Comfort Plus

    Keston Dark Grey Jeans

    As low as €97.90
  20. Comfort Plus

    Nicky Blue Jeans Shorts

    As low as €85.90
  21. Comfort Plus

    Caravia Beige Blazer

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €292.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €292.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €292.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €292.90 /-33%
  22. Comfort Plus

    Curtis Blue Jeans Shorts

    As low as €85.90
  23. Comfort Plus

    Keston Blue Jeans

    As low as €97.90

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Stylist recommends

Aby dobrze prezentować się w każdej sytuacji, należy zadbać o trzy podstawowe kwestie związane z ubiorem. Po pierwsze wypada dopasować strój do okazji, po drugie sprawdzić jakość materiałów, z jakich uszyta została odzież, aby czuć się komfortowo, a po trzecie należy zachować przynajmniej minimum własnego stylu i wybierać to, co nam się po prostu podoba.

Wybierając garnitur lub casualową marynarkę z linii Comfort Plus Lancerto, zwróć uwagę nie tylko na kolor czy wzór, ale także na fason i tkaninę, z jakiej zostały uszyte. Dobrej jakości garnitur czy marynarka, która pozwoli Twojemu ciału oddychać, uszyte są z wełny naturalnej. Materiał ten ma właściwości higroskopijne, dzięki czemu odprowadza wilgoć na zewnątrz, a także jest wysoce elastyczny, co pozwala mu powrócić do pierwotnego kształtu po cały dniu noszenia. Modele z kolekcji letniej uszyte są z tkaniny z dodatkiem lnu, który jest przewiewny i minimalizuje ryzyko gorąca. Nawet najlepiej dobrany garnitur czy marynarka nie będą zaś wygodne, jeżeli nie będą elastyczne. Dlatego linię Comfort Plus tworzą wyłącznie modele uszyte z tkanin o rozciągliwych właściwościach, dzięki czemu łatwo dopasowują się do Twojego ciała i zapewniają swobodę ruchów.

Niezwykle wygodna kolekcja ubrań Comfort Plus Lancerto obejmuje także wiele modeli koszul zarówno tych eleganckich, jak i casualowych, spodni bawełnianych, jeansów i krótkich spodenek. Odpowiednie modele dla siebie znajdą tu zarówno zwolennicy basicowych ubrań takich jak gładkie białe i błękitne koszule, spodnie jeansowe czy gładkie T-shirty, jak i entuzjaści mody męskiej. Dla nich przygotowaliśmy w koszule z motywem ptaków i much. Letnie, casualowe stylizacje można stworzyć z lnianą koszulą i szortami z haftami w stylu preppy.

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