Women's accessories

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  1. Gray Scarf Unisex

  2. Black Scarf Unisex

  3. Black Scarf Unisex

  4. Grey Scarf Unisex

  5. Women's Large Purple Wallet with Zipper

    Special Price €26.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €26.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-21% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-64%
  6. Women’s Large Rectangular Sky Blue Wallet

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-27% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-66%
  7. Women's Large Rectangular Black Wallet

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-27% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-66%
  8. Large Slim Green Women’s Wallet

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-27% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-66%
  9. Women’s Large Slim Red Wallet

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-27% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-66%
  10. Women’s Large Light Pink Clutch Wallet

    Special Price €26.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €26.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-21% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-64%
  11. Women’s Small Burgundy Clutch Wallet

    Special Price €31.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €31.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €73.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €73.90 /-57% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-57%
  12. Women's Large Rectangular Ligh Pink Wallet

    Special Price €26.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €26.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €73.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €73.90 /-64% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-64%
  13. Women's Large Rectangular Burgundy Wallet

    Special Price €26.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €26.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €73.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €73.90 /-64% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-64%
  14. Women's Large Burgundy Wallet with Zipper

    Special Price €26.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €26.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €33.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €33.90 /-21% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-64%
  15. Women's Light Pink Wallet with Zipper

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €60.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €100.00
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €60.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €100.00 /-75% Price immediately before discounts: €60.90 /-59%
  16. Women's Burgundy Wallet with Zipper

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €60.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €100.00
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €60.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €100.00 /-75% Price immediately before discounts: €60.90 /-59%
  17. Women’s Mini Red Clutch Wallet

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €60.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €61.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €60.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €61.90 /-60% Price immediately before discounts: €60.90 /-59%
  18. Women's Small Red Wallet with Purse

    Special Price €31.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €31.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €73.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €73.90 /-57% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-57%
  19. Women's Small Midnight Blue Wallet with Purse

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €100.00
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €100.00 /-75% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-66%
  20. Women's Small Black Wallet with Purse

    Special Price €24.90 Starting price €73.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €24.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €100.00
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €100.00 /-75% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-66%
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Stylist recommends

UmiejÄ™tnie dopasowane akcesoria potrafiÄ… zupeÅ‚nie odmienić stylizacjÄ™. Nasz stylista podpowie Ci, czym siÄ™ kierować podczas zakupów. 

 Jak dobierać akcesoria damskie do stylizacji?

Przede wszystkim z umiarem – dotyczy to nie tylko biżuterii, ale również pozostaÅ‚ych dodatków. PamiÄ™taj, że w klasycznych stylizacjach mniej znaczy wiÄ™cej i warto trzymać siÄ™ tej zasady. RzucajÄ…ce siÄ™ w oczy, fantazyjne akcesoria sprawdzÄ… siÄ™ na balu karnawaÅ‚owym, natomiast na co dzieÅ„ do pracy wybierz eleganckie klasyki. DziÄ™ki temu zawsze bÄ™dziesz ubrana odpowiednio do okazji. Akcesoria damskie to tylko wykoÅ„czenie Twoich stylizacji, majÄ… nadać jej odpowiedni ksztaÅ‚t, nie mogÄ… wystÄ™pować w roli głównej. Poza tym stylem powinny pasować do ubrania, które masz na sobie. 

Modne akcesoria damskie – czy warto podążać za trendami?

Nie zawsze! W pierwszej kolejnoÅ›ci w Twojej garderobie powinny znaleźć siÄ™ absolutne klasyki. Galanteria skórzana, gÅ‚adki szal kaszmirowy czy jedwabna apaszka w twarzowym kolorze. OczywiÅ›cie możesz pozwolić sobie na odrobinÄ™ szaleÅ„stwa i kupować również to, co aktualnie jest w trendach. Modny akcent sprawi, że klasyczna sukienka lub garnitur bÄ™dÄ… prezentować siÄ™ zupeÅ‚nie inaczej. PamiÄ™taj tylko o tym, by wybrane przez Ciebie akcesorium pasowaÅ‚o kolorystycznie do innych części Twojej garderoby. 

Akcesoria kobiece powinny wyróżniać się jakością

To najważniejsza cecha dobrego portfela, torebki czy szala. Dodatki przyciągają uwagę, to właśnie na nie patrzymy w pierwszej kolejności. Zatem jeśli chcesz być postrzegana jako kobieta z klasą, wybierz dodatki wysokiej jakości. Nawet gdy podążasz za trendami i spośród nowych kolekcji wybierasz co sezon coś nowego. Pamiętaj, że moda powraca, dlatego inwestuj w dodatki jakości premium. Istnieje spore prawdopodobieństwo, że za kilka sezonów znów będą w trendach. A wtedy nie będziesz musiała już biec na zakupy.

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