Prom suits for teenagers

19 Items
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  1. Green Suit Bristol

    As low as €292.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €292.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-20% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-20%
  2. Navy Blue Suit Stavanger

    As low as €292.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €292.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-20% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-20%
  3. Navy Blue Checked Suit Denmark

    As low as €292.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €292.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-20% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-20%
  4. Maroon Suit Preston

    As low as €292.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €292.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-20% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-20%
  5. Azteca White Shirt

    As low as €43.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €43.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €43.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €85.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €43.90 /0% Price immediately before discounts: €85.90 /-49%
  6. Turin Dark Grey Suit

    As low as €146.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €146.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €366.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €366.90 /-60% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-60%
  7. Hoover Navy Blue Suit

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €293.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €293.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-47%
  8. Norwich Claret Suit

    As low as €195.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €195.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €293.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €293.90 /-33% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-47%
  9. Comfort Plus

    Ester 4 White Shirt

    As low as €36.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €36.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €48.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €73.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €48.90 /-25% Price immediately before discounts: €73.90 /-50%
  10. Piero 4 Double-Sided Belt

    As low as €36.90
  11. Comfort Plus

    Oslo Navy Blue Brick Check Suit

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-50% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  12. Comfort Plus

    Bangkok Navy Blue Blue Check Suit

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-50% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  13. Eduard Light Brown Belt

    As low as €29.90
  14. Comfort Plus

    Bailey Gray Suit with Navy Blue Check

    As low as €244.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €244.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €488.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €488.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €488.90 /-50% Price immediately before discounts: €488.90 /-50%
  15. Business Mix Dark Gray Suit

    €135.80 Starting price €318.80
    Price history for this product:
    1. €0.00
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €196.80
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €318.80
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €196.80 /-100% Price immediately before discounts: €318.80 /-100%
  16. Business Mix Sapphire Suit

    €282.50 Starting price €366.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €282.50
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €282.50
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €282.50 /0% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-23%
  17. Business Mix Dark Blue Suit

    €282.50 Starting price €366.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €282.50
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €282.50
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €366.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €282.50 /0% Price immediately before discounts: €366.90 /-23%
  18. Silver Cufflinks

    Special Price €17.90 Starting price €24.90
    Price history for this product:
    1. €17.90
    2. Lowest price 30 days before the discount : €24.90
    3. Price immediately before discounts: €24.90
    1. How much does this product cost today
    2. Lowest price in the last 30 days before the promotion
    3. The regular price of the product
    Lowest price in 30 days before discount: €24.90 /-28% Price immediately before discounts: €24.90 /-28%
  19. Red Bow Tie

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Stylist recommends

Studniówka to często pierwsza okazja w życiu mężczyzny do zakupu poważnego garnituru. Młodzi Panowie często stają przed wyborem: uniwersalny elegancki garnitur czy ekstrawagancki model pokazujący szalony charakter? Czy można to połączyć?

Młodość rządzi się swoimi prawami i choć studniówka to poważna uroczystość, można pozwolić sobie na odrobinę odstępstwa od sztywnych zasad eleganckiego dress code’u. Nie ulega wątpliwością, że warto w tym dniu zaprezentować się w garniturze. Jeżeli chcesz, aby posłużył Ci on również na inne okazje, np. na maturę, postaw na uniwersalny garnitur w kolorze granatowym lub grafitowym. To dwa kolory, które w zależności od dodatków będą odpowiednie na wiele okazji. Wybierając garnitur zadbaj o dobre dopasowanie do Twojej sylwetki. To znaczy, że spodnie z tyłu powinny zakrywać skarpety a z przodu może tworzyć się maksymalnie jedno załamanie. Marynarka zaś powinna być dopasowana w ramionach, gładko przylegać do pleców i na klatce piersiowej, a rękaw powinien sięgać do nadgarstka tak, aby koszula mogła wystawać spod niego na ok. 1,5 cm. Skoro wiesz już jak dobrać garnitur czas na dodatki. Eleganckie, skórzane buty w kolorze brązowym lub czarnym dopełnią stylizacji, podobnie jak pasek do spodni, który powinien być w tym samym kolorze co buty. To tyle sztywnych reguł. Szerokie pole do popisu otwiera wybór dodatków takich jak koszula, krawat lub mucha i poszetka. Wybierz wzór i kolor, który pasuje do Twojego typu urody, ale także podkreśli Twój charakter.

A czego zatem unikać? Zbyt dużych garniturów z minionej epoki. Zbyt jasnych lub jaskrawych ekstrawaganckich kolorów, nie są odpowiednie na eleganckie okazje, jaką niewątpliwie jest studniówka. Niewygodnych ubrań – mimo iż garnitur nie kojarzy się z komfortem, nowoczesne modele potrafią być naprawdę wygodne. Dzięki odchudzonej konstrukcji, wysokiej jakości materiałom oraz dodatku elastycznych włókien Twój garnitur na studniówkę może być jak druga skóra.

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